What is EIBCALEN? Why it is used?

Answer Posted / rajesh

1.) To control the execution of jobs in Jcl is PARAMETERS
2.) 01 A pic s9(2)v9(1) value 11
01 B pic s9(2)v9(1) value 12
01 C pic s9(2)v9(2)
Multiply A By B giving C.
Display C.
(a) 13V00
(b) 32v00’
(c) 13v20
(d) None of the above.

3.) How to control the priority of execution of jobs in output area.
(a) PRTY
(d) NONE
4.) UPDATELOCK function is
(a) Allows user to read the table,but not update
(b) Allows user to update but not view
5.) Non unique formula= n*……………..(………+primary key)
6.) Perform 4 times inspect B before D, replacing with Xfor the following.
(c) ……………………….
(d) ………………………

7.) 01 A pic X(1) value 1
01 B pic X(2) value 43
B redefines A
display A
(a) 1
(b) 3
(c) 4
(d) none
8.) EIBRCODE is to indicate
(a) Weather all the CICS codes executed successfully are not
(b) Last coded CICS command executed successfully r not
(c) ………….
(d) …………
9.) The following VSAM datasets are non inembedded CI.
(a) LDS
(b) ESDS
(c) RRDS
(d) KSDS
10.) The following VSAM datasets are inembedded CI.
(D) A & b
11.) The command used to dump main storage area.
(a) Dump
(b) Freemain
(c) Rlse
(d) Free
12.) EVALUATE ALSO if 60<age <67 & 140<weight<170 DISPLAY “ GOOD”.
if 60<age <67 & 171<weight<999 DISPLAY “ BAD”.
13.) If PLAN executable time doesn’t matches with BINd time following SQL code generates
(a) 811
(b) 818
(c) 881
(d) None
14.) Programs security information must be registered in
(a) PPT
(b) PCT
(c) TCT
(d) TST
15.) The following command is used to delete the existing PLAN.
(a) Dump
(b) Freemain
(c) Rlse
(d) Free
16.) To set Max CPU time for job we code TIME parameter as
(a) Maximum
(b) Max
(c) 1440
(d) 9999
17.) The following object does not store separately.
(a) VIEW
(b) JOIN
(c) UNION.
(d) NONE
18.) CS
(a) Release LOCK over a row before COMMIT.
(b) Release LOCK over a row after COMMIT.
(c) Release LOCK over a page before COMMIT.
(d) None
19.) The following is COPYBOOK.
(b) EIB
(c) .
(d) .
20.) Sorting pgm, o/p of pgm.
22.) Image COPY
23.) In SYSOUT DD DUMMY, What DUMMY indicates
24.) The following job never executes
(a) COND =(00,<0,STEP1)
(b) COND=(00,>1447,STEP1)
(c) BOTH
(d) NONE
25.) For KSDS files organization isindexed.
26.) The following SHAREOPTIONS is valid
(a) (1,2)
(b) (1,3)
(c) (2,3)
(d) None
27.) For following data set newly added records will be stored at end
(a) Esds
(b) Rrds
(c) Lds
(d) Ksds
28.) VERIFY command in VSAM
(d) none

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