Which of the rank of para military ie BSF, CRPF or ITBP is
equivalant to Lt Col of Indian Army?

Answer Posted / raaj singh

there is no comparision between army and cpmfs because
cpmfs are incepted with a particular objective for each one
i.e. bsf crpf itbp ssb cisf. now according to govt there is
no equivalent in cpmfs to lt col in army but in field a lt
col can stand in front of second in command in performing
duties and in service of nation . because generally 2ic
leads a battallion in cpmfs . in bsf 2ic has more admin
powers it performs very hard duties he leads a battaloin
because commandant narmally remains busy in internal
secureity matters he performs border security 365 days in
personal,he monitors ,exectes ,border security
functions ,performs counter insurgency operations, protects
our borders from infiltrators face bullets on his chest
in all these, executes anti terrorism operations he has
more admin powers than lt col in army ,and in army lt col
remain busy in office works and normally executes paper
works . all the difference is only due to the wrong govt
policy , because it has give 37400 pay band to lt col and
left second in command in 15600 which is absolutely wrong
an is injustice against central paramilitary forces, the
point shuuld be noted that the objective of bsf is to
protect our borders 365 days and to beat opponent
nation`s defence during war it becoms a multiplire of
indian army during war the maha veer chakra veer chakra
sena medal shaurya chakra and many more need no
evidence jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai hind
jaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaai bharat ajay seema suraksha bal .

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