write a TestCases for Telephone ?

Answer Posted / ramyab.mca@gmail.com


TestCases for Telephone:

1.Lift the handset, u should get a tone.
2.Dial the number again u should here the dial tones
3.If the number is busy, in active, or any such issues you
should get an alert about the same
4.If no such alerts , you should here riging tone in the
hand set.
5.If it rings for a long time n destination doesnt picks up
the call, an alert should be given.
6.If not the above case, at destination user must lift the
7.When he lifts the phone ringing tone must be ended.
8.Now talking session must take place.
9.Both src and destination user can talk n hear properly.
10.If any one of them closes the session, again a tone must
be heard at the other end.
11.Close of session in between

Thanks & Regards

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