
Answer Posted / satya.tivari


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There are 200 employees in a company. An external vendor is chosen to Serve coffee twice a day. 100 coffee cups were offered by the company but as an incentive to have the cups in tact at the end of the day, the company offered 30 paise for every cup remained safely and charged 90 paise for every broken cup. At an end of a day, the vendor received Rs. 24. How many cups did the vendor break? 10, 20, 8, 5?


a hollow space on earth surface is to be fille((d) total cost of filling is rs 20000. The cost of filling per mt3 is rs 225 .how many times a size of 3 mt3 soil is required to fill the hollow space?


One Train Travels 200m From A To B With 70 Km/Ph And Returns To A With 80kmph, What Is The Average Of Their Speed?


If all the natural numbers from 256 to 400 are written side by side to each other, a large natural number is obtained. How many times 6 appears in this large natural number?


What is the value of a property, which has been insured at the rate of 1/6% of its value, if the annual premium paid on it is Rs. 83.33 (in Rs.)?


In 3.5 Kg rod , there is 74% silver. If it is alloyed with a 0.5 Kg rod, the % of silver goes up to 84%. The percent of silver in 0.5 Kg rod?


f(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X is not equal to zero and if f(X=0)=0, If f(X)=4f(X-1) then the value of X=?


A hotel has 10 storeys. Which floor is above the floor below the floor, below the floor above the floor, below the floor above the fifth.


A work is done by the people in 24 min. one of them can do this work a lonely in 40 min. how much time required to do the same work for the second person.


In a class there are 45 pupil, out of them 12 are in debate only and 22 in singing only. Then how many in both?


In a company 241 apply for posts. of them 40 know neither c nor c++.180 know c; 186 knows c++. how many people know only c.


If 12 box containers require 18 feet of wall space, how many feet of wall space will 30 box containers require?


they asked the temperature problem.it was same as previous papers.the ratio was -t*t/6+4t+12.


f(X)= 2X-1 + f(X-1) if X is not equal to zeroandiff(X=0)=0, Value of f(f(2))


low temperature at the night in a city is 1/3 more than ½ hinge as higher temperature in a day. sum of the low temp and higherst temp is 100C. then what is the low temperature