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Question { TCS, 10990 }

how will we know test cases are written by us are correct


Other than what has been described above, When executing
your test cases you should have positive answer to: 1.Can
you read your Test Cases,2. Can you understand and
follow/execute your them?
Please let me know if I am correct, as I'm a student
learning QA.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { Minecode, 12886 }

Write the 3 TestCases to prove tht it is a softdrinkbottle
or not.


There are 3 elements in this case. Soft, Drink and Bottle and i think this why you were asked only 3 cases to cover the basic elements(though the category is eligible for many test cases:)

1. Verify container's shape,is a bottle.
2. Verify the opening of the bottle is big enough to pass through liquid/drink.
3. To verify container carries soft drink only:Read the label or In the absence of a drink label,small the bottle or the drink (if present) to distinguish between soft and any other sort of drink i.e. hard drink etc.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { 6998 }

Please tell m all posiible tst cass for this-->
A password of password field will expire in 45 days.It
should send 1st reminder message to user whn 10 days are
left and
2nd reminder message when 5 days are left and 3rd reminder
mssage when 2 days are left.write all positive and negativ
test cass for this.


1.This test case is eligible for boundary testing. I would test min,max and middle range for the specified #of days to ensure that alerts are triggered as per requirement.
2. Validate the password field (name,numeric,special characters).
3.+ve: Test for all all valid date range with the valid password.
3a:-ve Test for all all valid date range with the invalid password.
3b:-ve Check if the same last password is accepted after the expiration date.

4._ve: run above tests separately by leaving fields empty.

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Question { Wipro, 8174 }

pls let me know the answer, recently i faced this question
in interview.
when you are writing the test cases,if the requirements are
changed what will u do?


My answer would be:It's a common scenario where requirement changes due to various reason. I am always prepared to deal with it and this is why I am flexible when writing my test cases so that if any changes occur they are easy to incorporate. For example I write Valid Data Definition separately rather adding them to my test cases and it helps me to revise(when needed) my document efficiently.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { Schneider, 6152 }

what kind of questions will be asked in HR round for QA engg
for 2-3 yrs exp? Please !!!!!! can anybody help me? this is
very urgent. Thanks in advance. Please mail answer to me:


Why do you choose the QA career?

·I really enjoy the level of appreciation I have from
developers and other QA team members.

·My previous background makes a good combination with my QA

·I like to see how the application changes as a result of
bug I reported. It gives me a very good feeling of being a
real contributor

·I really have passion for quality since I remember myself

How do you see yourself in 3-5 years as a QA engineer?

·Making difference in software testing

·To get there I need to work on good projects, next to good

·Besides that I want to specialize (chose the niche) in
whatever they are (give reasons)

If you log a bug and the developer can’t reproduce it, what
should you do?

Reproduce on my computer – if reproducible then
Reproduce on more computers – if reproducible then
Compare environments on QA and Developer computers – if
the same then
Get in touch with developer and make sure the step to
reproduce used by both are exact same
Developer debugs on QA computer with his/her tools

Manager folds the paper and tore it in the middle - how many
holes? Then fold it again - how many holes? Then fold it
again - hoe many holes, etc.

·1; 1+2=3; 1+2+4=7

Is This Answer Correct ?    8 Yes 0 No