pavan kishore.

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Answers / { pavan kishore. }

Question { GE, 4110 }

Symbol for comments in Rational?


" ' "........a "singe quote"...... ( " ' " ) is used to
comment statements in Rational Robot script.

by placing a single quote...the statement turns
into "Green" in color and this statements is no longer a
part of the script that plays back.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

Question { HP, 5964 }

What is the purpose of .sbl, .sbh, .rec files?


These are related to Rational Robot SQA scripting.

These are the file extention in it.

.Rec files are regular GUI test scripts.

.Sbl files are used to store user defined functions and
procedures and its a library file extention.

.sbh files are used to store script header functions and
procedures and its a header file extention.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 1 No

Question { 4571 }

How will you edit a baseline file of a verification point?


In Rational Robot, after a Verification point is inserted
and when the script was play backed, it compares the
baseline script with the Actual and displayes the Result in
the Test Manager. Here we can change the Baseline file of
verification point. And from here onwards, the verification
point "fails" (for instance---the first playback may be
a "Pass"), as we had modified the baseline script.

Robot had some Comparators, in which we can see both the
Baseline script and the Actual Script.

Key value: User selects the key values in the expected data
(baseline). During runtime, playback- Robot captures
current data from the object and compares the selected key
values of the baseline.

Note: Grid comparator is an appropriate comparator to
analyze following VP?s failures
1. clipboard failure
2. Menu failure
3. Object Data failures

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Question { 4004 }

what is the purpose of start and end timers in robot scripts?


Start and Stop timers in Robot script gives us the actual
time of the script execution.

Example: If we place a Start Timer at the begining of the
script and a Stop timer at the end of the script and then
Execute the script(playback), the Result gets displayed in
the Test Manager with the Actual time of script playback.

along with Hours/Mini/ and Seconds also.

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