thirumala reddy

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Answers / { thirumala reddy }

Question { Navis, 5598 }

If a object property is changed in the application. where
it should be updated in QTP...

Pls anybody can give the answer.. Thanks in advance...


we can do in two ways
first changing the property in the object repository

and by using SetToProperty we can handle during runtime.

and if u changed any property in object repository after
writing the script, it is better to run in update mode.

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 4820 }

any one can explain about QTP proocess,means where to start
and how to start Scripting.


if you want to do scripting

first you have to add the objects of the application to the object repsitory

then write the scripts, and modify the script according to your test

debug the script line by line (use error handling methods is there any pop-ups)

execute the script

analyze the results in result window

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { IBM, 4640 }

What is operator in VB Script?


operator is used to perform some action.

Arithmetic Operators
Operators used to perform mathematical calculations.

Assignment Operator
Operator used to assign a value to a property or variable.

Comparison Operators
Operators used to perform comparisons.

Concatenation Operators
Operators used to combine strings.

Logical Operators
Operators used to perform logical operations.

Is This Answer Correct ?    5 Yes 0 No

Question { ADP, 13725 }

if Object repository contain x and y properties. we do not
know whether they are mandatory or assistive properties.
While executing the script qtp will use both the properties
or only sufficient properties to identify the object.
It means it use OR (or) AND


Answer: Mandatory properties are enough to identify the object

Below i am giving the total process of object identification

QTP uses three types of object identification to identify
the object

mandatory and assitive properties

smart identification

and ordinal identifier

QTP starts with mandatory properties, if QTP unable to
identify the object uniquely using mandatory properties then
it will go to the assistive properties (if and only all
mandatory properties are matching with runtime object

(test object properties are the properties of objects in the
object repository and runtime object properties are
properties of the objects in the application)

if QTP unable to identify the object uniquely using
assistive properties then it will go to the smart
identification (we have to enable the smart identification
in object repository) (in smart identification the QTP
compares the object properties at the record or creat time
using base filter and optional filter properties) if any one
property matches then it will identifies the object.

if QTP unable to identify the object uniquely using smart
identification then it will go to the ordinal identifier.

in ordinal identifier there are three options
INDEX: Tab position (order of that object in that
application, eg: if there are three OK buttons, then it will
give the button value which is first in order is "0", second
button value is "1" and third button value is "2")

LOCATION: The value of object which is closed to x-axis
(using x and y coordinates) is "0", for second one "1", for
third one "2".

CREATION TIME: For brower we can use this (for each brower
it creates a time) using the time difference it will give
the value and identifies the object.

if any queries plz mail me

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 0 No

Question { 4717 }

Can anyone give me the usecase template???


Use case template:

Use case ID: Unique no or name

Use case description: The summary of corresponding functionality

Preconditions: Necessary things to do before start this

Required inputs: The list of inputs required in this

Event list:

Events/Tasks Expected outcomes
Postconditions: Necessary tasks to do after completion of

Activity Flow diagram: The diagramatic presentation of

Prototype: A model screen short to indicate functionality

Exceptions: Rules if any

Referenced usecases: The list of other use cases related to
this functionality

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { 5561 }

What Are the UI Standards?


User interface standards are whether the application
contains understandable screens (without any spelling
mistakes), attractive screens (color, font size), and short
navigations to navigate.

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { 5049 }

Does QTP supports Linux or Unix OS?.If so which scripting
is preferable? Shell we do record and playback


No QTP does not support unix or linux

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 3 No

Question { AppLabs, 10400 }

What is Automation frame work.How we will prepare in real


automation framework is a systemic procedure followed by a company to automate a test

we will prepare depending upon the requirement of client.

if anybody wants framework document plz mail me

Is This Answer Correct ?    0 Yes 0 No

Question { 2408 }

Hi I am from delhi, Now I can surely say that no
institution of QTP here in Delhi
After reading you people I want to get cry, from last six
month I am trying to learn QTP, I have knowledge too but
dont know VB Script. Now it appears that without learning
QTP no one can learn complete QTP, I want to get a formal
learning in QTP. Can you suggest me the best institution.
and please let me know the charges and span of the course
too. thanks in advance to you


hey vb script is very easy to learn
if you want i can send u
just learn some basic script, thats enough for qtp
in qtp 10.0 (mostly by drag and drop we can create steps)

if any queries plz send to my mail

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 1 No

Question { TCS, 9422 }

How to send the qtp results file by email (Lotus notes).


Function SendMail(SendTo, Subject, Body, Attachment)
Set ol=CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
Set Mail=ol.CreateItem(0)
If (Attachment <> "") Then
End If
Set Mail = Nothing
Set ol = Nothing
End Function

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 8 No

Question { 9343 }

in QTP,how to write a descriptive program for "yahoo"
or "gmail" Login page


Writing the script using object properties and execute teh script without using object repository is called Descriptive program

plz check this descriptive program for gmail
first you have to take unique properties of objects using object spy and write DP

Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from Google").WebEdit("name:=Email").set "enter email address"
Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from Google").WebEdit("name:=Passwd").Setsecure crypt.Encrypt("enter password")
Browser("name:=Gmail: Email from Google").Page("title:=Gmail: Email from Google").WebButton("name:=Sign in").Click

Is This Answer Correct ?    12 Yes 3 No

Question { 8484 }

New to QTP: In a qtp flight booking application, I tried to
parameterize the to and from drop down lists using data
table, depending on ur drop down selection it will pop up a
list of flights. Here I am not finding a way to select
flight randomly from given list... Thanks in advance guys.


Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").WebList("fromPort").Select randomnumber.Value(0,9)

Browser("Find a Flight: Mercury").Page("Find a Flight: Mercury").WebList("toPort").Select Randomnumber.Value(0,9)

just use these two steps

randomnumber is used for selecting the values randomly within the given range (here 0,9 because total items are 10)

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 1 No

Question { 4975 }

How i can use Regular expression in QTP?give detailed steps
for it.


Regular expression is used to check the pattern instead of checking constant values.
For browser u have to use .* method
and for date functions we have to use some more methods

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 0 No

Question { 16081 }

How do you find out whether the string is Numeric or Alpha
numenric.Suppose..'QTP is an automation testing tool 12345'
How should I know it is alphanumeric.Can any one please
write the code for this


use this function it will help u..

Function IsAlphaNumeric()
If IsNull(str) Then str = "QTP is an automation testing tool 12345"
Dim ianRegEx
Set ianRegEx = New RegExp
ianRegEx.Pattern = "[^a-z0-9]"
ianRegEx.Global = True
ianRegEx.IgnoreCase = True
IsAlphaNumeric = (str = ianRegEx.Replace(str,"QTP is an automation testing tool 12345"))

msgbox IsAlphaNumeric

End Function

call IsAlphaNumeric()

Is This Answer Correct ?    4 Yes 2 No

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