what are the scrubbing procedures in sas? : Sas programming
how do you want missing values handled? : Sas programming
for what purpose would you use the retain statement? : Sas programming
what is the difference between nodup and nodupkey options? : Sas programming
do you need to know if there are any missing values? : Sas programming
what do the pad and dim functions do? : Sas programming
what do the mod and int function do? What do the pad and dim functions do? : Sas programming
how do you debug and test your sas programs? : Sas programming
how do the in= variables improve the capability of a merge? : Sas programming
what does the run statement do? : Sas programming
what is enterprise guide? What is the use of it? : Sas programming
which date function advances a date, time or datetime value by a given interval? : Sas programming
name several ways to achieve efficiency in your program? : Sas programming
how does sas handle missing values in sort order? : Sas programming
what versions of sas have you used (on which platforms)? : Sas programming