what is sas application server, database server, sas olap server and sas metadata server? : Sas-di
what is star schema? : Sas-di
for whom is sas data integration studio designed? : Sas-di
explain the difference between alternate key, business key, foreign key, generated key, primary key, retained key and surrogate key ? : Sas-di
what is sas application server? : Sas-di
what is sas olap server? : Sas-di
what is sas metadata server? : Sas-di
describe about metadata object? : Sas-di
describe the interaction table in sas di? : Sas-di
what is data integration? : Sas-di
what is operational data and operational system? : Sas-di
name some data transformation used in sas di? : Sas-di
explain about various caches available in data integrator? : Sas-di
what is change analysis in sas di ? : Sas-di
what is hierarchy flattening? : Sas-di