Topic :: Momentum

Momentum Interview Questions
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value momentum

Value Momentum,


Question 97 - Two viruses a and b with masses of Ma and Mb are moving at velocities of Va and Vb respectively, facing towards each other and collide. After collision both masses of Ma and Mb disappear. (a) Find the total momentum available for both a and b. Hint : momentum = mass x velocity = M x V. (b) Guess the total energy E generated from the disappearance of a and b. Let c to be the velocity of light. Hint : E is equal to M c square.

1 1853

Question 98 - The Planck-Einstein relation connects the particulate photon energy E with its associated wave frequency f to produce E = hf. Let h to be the Planck constant. The frequency f, wavelength L and speed of light c are related by E = hc / L. With p denoting the linear momentum of a particle, the de Broglie wavelength L of the particle is given by L = h / p. (a) Find the equation of E as a function of p and c. (b) If E has a unit of electron-volt and f has a unit of 1 / second, then what is the unit of h?

1 2051

Question 100 - (a) Time evolution in Heisenberg picture, according to Ehrenfest theorem is m (d / dt) < r > = < p >, where m = mass, r = position, p = momentum of a particle. If v = velocity, prove that m < v > = < p >. (b) Lande g-factor is given by Gj = Gl [ J (J + 1) - S (S + 1) + L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ] + Gs [ J (J + 1) + S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ]. If Gl = 1 and under approximation of Gs = 2, prove by calculation that Gj = (3/2) + [ S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ].

1 1971

Question 108 - (a) The correct statement about both the average value of position () and momentum (

) of a 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator wavefunction is =

= 1 - x. Find the value of x. (b) The probabilities of finding a particle around points A, B and C in the wavefunction y = f(x) are P(A), P(B) and P(C) respectively. Coordinates are A (3,5), B (4,-10) and C (6,7). Arrange P(A), P(B) and P(C) in term of a < b < c, when | y-coordinate | signifies the probability.

1 1688

Question 109 - (a) Acceptable wavefunction in quantum mechanics in the range of : negative infinity < x < positive infinity, vanishes at least at one boundary. Which of the following is the wavefunction or are the wavefunctions of acceptable theory : P = x, P = | x |, P = sin x, P = exp (-x), P = exp (-| x |)? State the reason. (b) Let linear momentum operator P = -ih d / dz. The wavefunction is S = exp (-ikz) where i x i = -1, k and h are constants. Find the linear momentum of such wavefunction by using the term P x S.

1 6666

ENGINEERING PHYSICS - EXAMPLE 30.1 : Two viruses a and b with masses of Ma and Mb are moving at velocities of Va and Vb respectively, facing towards each other and collide. After collision both masses of Ma and Mb disappear. (a) Find the total momentum available for both a and b. Hint : momentum = mass x velocity = M x V. (b) Guess the total energy E generated from the disappearance of a and b. Let c to be the velocity of light. Hint : E is equal to M c square.

1 2156

ENGINEERING PHYSICS - EXAMPLE 30.2 : The Planck-Einstein relation connects the particulate photon energy E with its associated wave frequency f to produce E = hf. Let h to be the Planck constant. The frequency f, wavelength L and speed of light c are related by E = hc / L. With p denoting the linear momentum of a particle, the de Broglie wavelength L of the particle is given by L = h / p. (a) Find the equation of E as a function of p and c. (b) If E has a unit of electron-volt and f has a unit of 1 / second, then what is the unit of h?

1 1667

ENGINEERING PHYSICS - EXAMPLE 30.4 : (a) Time evolution in Heisenberg picture, according to Ehrenfest theorem is m (d / dt) < r > = < p >, where m = mass, r = position, p = momentum of a particle. If v = velocity, prove that m < v > = < p >. (b) Lande g-factor is given by Gj = Gl [ J (J + 1) - S (S + 1) + L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ] + Gs [ J (J + 1) + S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ]. If Gl = 1 and under approximation of Gs = 2, prove by calculation that Gj = (3/2) + [ S (S + 1) - L (L + 1) ] / [ 2J (J + 1) ].

1 1647

QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.7 : (a) The correct statement about both the average value of position () and momentum (

) of a 1-dimensional harmonic oscillator wavefunction is =

= 1 - x. Find the value of x. (b) The probabilities of finding a particle around points A, B and C in the wavefunction y = f(x) are P(A), P(B) and P(C) respectively. Coordinates are A (3,5), B (4,-10) and C (6,7). Arrange P(A), P(B) and P(C) in term of a < b < c, when | y-coordinate | signifies the probability.

1 2183

QUANTUM CHEMISTRY AND CHEMICAL ENGINEERING - EXAMPLE 31.8 : (a) Acceptable wavefunction in quantum mechanics in the range of : negative infinity < x < positive infinity, vanishes at least at one boundary. Which of the following is the wavefunction or are the wavefunctions of acceptable theory : P = x, P = | x |, P = sin x, P = exp (-x), P = exp (-| x |)? State the reason. (b) Let linear momentum operator P = -ih d / dz. The wavefunction is S = exp (-ikz) where i x i = -1, k and h are constants. Find the linear momentum of such wavefunction by using the term P x S.

1 1933

Find the physical quantity represented by MOMENTUM * VELOCITY] / [LENGTH * ACCELERATION]?



(Momentum*Velocity)/(Acceleration * distance ) find units.

Accenture, BSNL,


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