what are required main interfaces in EJB?

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what are required main interfaces in EJB?..

Answer / sathya

The Home Interface and the Remote Interface.

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what are required main interfaces in EJB?..

Answer / shilpa kapurkar

when we go for EJB 2.x version, the required interfaces to
develop and EJB component are
Remote Interface - Business Logic methods declaration
Home Interface - Life Cycle Methods
Bean class - Implemetation for BL methods & Life cycle methods
optionally, Local Interfaces.
When we go for EJB 3.0 , there is no need of declaring home
interface or Remote Interface. Instead it will make use of
JAVA POJO & POJI classes and interfaces. EJB 3.0 will have
only Business Interface (POJI) in which business methods are
declared. EJB3.0 makes use if Annotations.

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