What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of
client independent?

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What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?..

Answer / azher

One of the most basic concepts in SAP is that of "Client". A
client is defined as a legally and organizationally
independent unit within SAP R/3. For purposes of SAP R/3, a
client can be company, corporation or even a business unit.
One of the first things SAP asks for at the time of login is
the client number. SAP R/3 comes inbuilt with three standard
clients viz. 000, 001 and 066. Let us see all the three
different client's in SAP R/3 in detail.


Client 000 - Client 000 is a special client in SAP since it
has client independent settings. Client 000 in SAP R/3 comes
with a simple organizational structure. It is a sort of test
company. Client 000 contains all standard configurations,
parameters, standard transactions, etc that are normally
used in the SAP R/3 business environment.

Client 001 - Client 001 is a copy of client 000. Client 001
also includes a test company. Client 001 can be customized
to prepare it to move it into the production environment.
However, once client 001 is customized, it does not behave
like client 000.

Client 066 - Client 066 is used to perform "Early Watch"
service for customer systems.

One important thing to remember is that during SAP R/3
implementation, once SAP is installed, the first thing to be
done is copy a standard client included in SAP R/3 package.
With the help of this, SAP users can start using SAP for
creating tests, training, or even start using it for

When you go to log in to SAP, you choose the specific client
you want to log in to. Each one is assigned a unique
three-digit number, which you are required to know and type
in at login time. This makes it easy to distinguish between
clients. A programmer developing the SAP system might log in
to client 100 to do some programming, client 200 in another
system to review and test new business logic, and client 500
in yet another system to check out the new training system
where his code is being used to teach others how to use SAP.
In the same way, an end user might log in to client 300 in
the production system to do his day-to-day work and
occasionally client 200 in a test system to check on the
status of new functionality he requested be developed for

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What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?..

Answer / preeti chaturvedi

Sets of software component which acts as service requester are called as client.

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What is the client concept in SAP? What is the meaning of client independent?..

Answer / sanjay raghvani

SAP Client Means User master data,Application master data &
Customize master data is known as Client.

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