can you please explain me the process of endorsing a bill
of exchange with example for better understanding,as it is
also said that it can be endorsed without acceptance too. i
am still not clear with this concept. i tried many wesited
but they just give on sentence answer whch am not able
conceptuallly understand. I did found the previous answer
posted regarding bills of exchange which were very
comprehensive and easy to understand. it would be great if
i get my doubt cleared..thanks in advance

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CASE STUDY (i) A invites B to a dinner party. B accepts the invitation. A made elaborate arrangements but B failed to turn up. Can A sue B for the loss he has suffered? (ii) On the other hand, if B went to the venue for the dinner party. To his surprise he finds that no dinner Arrangement has been made. B had spent a certain amount to reach the venue. Can B sue A for the loss he (B) has suffered? (iii) A sees a rare book displayed in a shop. It is labeled “First Edition Rs.15” A enters the shop and puts Rs. 15 on the counter and asks for the book. The book- seller does not agree to sell saying that the Real price of the book is Rs.50 and that it had been marked Rs.15/- by mistake. Is the book seller Bound to sell the book for Rs.15/- (iv) On the 5th of a month A makes an offer to B by a letter which reaches B on the 6th On the 7th B posts his letter of acceptance. Meanwhile, on the 6th a posts a letter to B revoking the offer. On seeing it B sends a telegram to A on the 8th confirming the acceptance given through his letter on the 7th Discuss the legal effects of the three letters and the telegram. Note: Assignment should consist of about 200 words per case-let. I.e. totally 800 words (about 4 pages) for the Entire case study. Questions: Q1. Introduction of the subject being discussed and the principle enunciated in the Law. Q2. Enumerate the facts of the decided case on the point. Q3. Explain the decision pronounced by the Court of Law in each of these cases.

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