define a bug

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define a bug..

Answer / kollimadhubabu

Bug is an error. it will effect the normal transactions.

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define a bug..

Answer / anshika.anshu08

Bug is an error. If program has any incorrect syntax or
there is some incorrect coding in the program then it shows
displays bug(error) while executing the program.

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define a bug..

Answer / bharathi

if a developer accepts the defect which raised during
testing is called a bug.

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define a bug..

Answer / viritha

whenever the defect is identified by the tester and it will
accepted by the developer so that is a bug.

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define a bug..

Answer / mahesh kotekar

A Software Bug is defined as the unidentified logical
change in the flow of program, Which could appear during
testing or after implementation of the actual project. And
can be identified by debugging the program and tracing.

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define a bug..

Answer / sroy

bug is bad code

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