Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array

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Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array..

Answer / sandeep ambekar

// MAIN -- Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array
// Example: # a.out string substr
// I/P example: ./a.out Bangalore a
// Author -- Sandeep Ambekar

#include <stdio.h>
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0

purge_char_from_string (char *str, char *c)
int i, k, flag, count; // i/j for index, flag to
keep track of
// 'c' and count for iteration..
char *buf = str; // save the original string
str = buf; // we could enter the loop
i = 0;
k = 1;
count = 0;
flag = FALSE; // INIT variables...
printf ("Input String [%s] [%c] \n", str, *c);

while (str[i] != '\0')
printf ("\t (%c) <==> (%c)\n", str[i], str[k]);
if (str[i] == c[0])
str[i] = str[k];
flag = TRUE;
else if (flag == TRUE)
str[i] = str[k]; // later have a while loop
to find a char
// to which is !c and replace them.
printf ("[%s]\n", buf);
if ((count - 1) >= 1)
goto start;
} // end of
purge_char_from_string ....

// MAIN -- Program to Purge a given character from a string.

main (int argc, char *argv[])
if (argc < 3)
printf ("Input <String> <char> \n");
return 1;
printf (" ## Input string %s : Char [%s]\n", argv[1],
purge_char_from_string (argv[1], argv[2]);

printf (" Trimmed String ---> %s\n", argv[1]);
return 0;

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Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array..

Answer / bhanuprakash a

/* here is the actual logic */
for(i=1; i<n; i++)
if(a[i] = a[j])
a[k]=a[k+1]; //deletion

Is This Answer Correct ?    7 Yes 8 No

Write a program for deleting duplicate elements in an array..

Answer / vrushali

Any program without goto.

Is This Answer Correct ?    2 Yes 4 No

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