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Answer / vignesh1988i
this is the user writtern function...... this is function
definition statement..... it wont recoganize this statement
because no memory will be allocated for this a=3 or 2...
since we didnt declare it first of all/.. this may be the
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Answer / guest
if we want to show result as a=3,a=2..then it ll be written
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Answer / parthibanselvaraj
the printf function canbe redefined by your program using
typedef and try this.
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I'm having trouble with coming up with the correct code. Thank You!! The assignment was to write a program using string functions that accepts a price of an item and displays its coded value. The base of the keys: X C O M P U T E R S 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Sample I/O Dialogue: Enter Price: 489.50 Coded Value: PRS.UX
How to create a program that lists the capital country when told what the original country is? (Terribly sorry, I'm a novice programmer and would appreciate any help ;). Cheers, Alexxis
what is meant for variable not found?
char* f() return "hello:"; void main() {char *str=f(); }
To generate the series 1+3+5+7+... using C program
A sample program using data structure? what is file handling?
#include"stdio.h" #include"conio.h" void main() { int a; printf("\n enter a number:"); scanf("%c\n"); getch(); }
Given an int variable n that has already been declared and initialized to a positive value, and another int variable j that has already been declared, use a do...while loop to print a single line consisting of n asterisks. Thus if n contains 5, five asterisks will be printed. Use no variables other than n and j .
when i use cout or cin call & then either << or >> shows declaration syntax error...what should i do? cout<<"anything"; int a; cin>>a; return 0;
how to convert decimal to binary in c using while loop without using array
50 Answers Apple, Aptech, Arwen Tech, BCS, C2D Software, CEC,
full c programming error question based problem
Write a c-programe that input one number of four digits and find digits sum?