What is the monthly income of indian ?
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Kindly provide me test cases for Compatibility testing for Mobile on diffrent operating systems.
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At which one of the following places do two important rivers of India originate, while one of them flows towards north and merges with another important river flowing towards Bay of Bengal, the other one flow towards Arabian SEa
Hello All, I am a student of CSE from JNTU...still i have backlogs...i dont have chances to write again....till now i worked as US Recruiter & Technical support in small companies...is there any company which is considering talent as measurement not with certificates. to get a job...Please let me know
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hi i have selected corporation bank and they ask to come for medical what are medical test they will do if there is nay problem and what type of test they will be taken
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hai dis is lavanya... i want to know how to prepare for the toughest aptitude tests.. i know tat i have to read rs agarwal... but i find difficulty in facing the aptitude tests even after preparing from tat... i somehow want to get through the aps... PLS SUGGEST ME SOME METHODS AND THE MOST IMPORTANT TOPICS TO BE COVERED... i am ok with technical questions but my biggest hinderance is aps... pls help me frnds... HAPY FRNDSHP DAY.....
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sir, i completed my b.tech and planning 2 take sun solaries training.Is having good future for it in india plz help me