What are the functions of SMON?

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / ankur aggarwal

smon is background process in a sga.
its name is system monitor.function is monitering the system
its used for database recovery when database is crash.

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / mahe

SMON will trigger the instance recovery. Internally DBWR
writes the committed data to the datafile after the roll
forward. SMON will do rollback and rollforward not writing
to the datafiles.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 1 No

What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / praveen

1. SMON Will take care of Instance & Crash Recovery
2. SMON Will perform Roll Forward from Online Redolog Files
and bring the database to open status and perform Roll
Backward which bring back the uncommitted changes from Undo.
3. SMON Also clear all the temp segments

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / r.karthikeyan

The System Monitor (SMON) background process performs instance recovery, coalesces adjacent areas of free space in the datafiles, and deallocates temporary segments to return them as free space in the data files. When instance recovery is required, SMON rolls forward changes in the redo logs, opens the database for user access, and rolls back uncommitted transactions.

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / vikas singh

SMON is system monitor. It is used for opening the database
and instances. If system/computer is shunt down abortly
then it(SMON) also start the instance recovery.

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / sreddy1987

When Database terminated abnormally and when we restart the instance System Monitor(SMON) performs "crash recovery". While doing the crash recovery SMON rollbacks all the transactions which are not committed and roll forwards the committed transactions and invokes the db writer to write the data into database.
When user performs sorting, if sorting takes place in temporary table space that will be cleaned by SMON once the user activity done.
The adjacent free extents join into one single large extent.

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What are the functions of SMON?..

Answer / pravin pardeshi

smon is used for rolling forward the committed data and
rolling back the rollback data.smon writes commited data
from log buffer to data files.

Is This Answer Correct ?    9 Yes 17 No

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