What is php how it works?
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Which is better session or cookie?
How to set a page as a home page in a php based site?
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How can we know the number of days between two given dates using PHP?
8 Answers AZTEC, HCL, Navsoft,
Describe the importance of DABA BASE ABSTRACTION LAYERS in PHP and database connection?
Explain some of the php array functions?
What are the different ways to login to a remote server? Explain the me, advantages and disadvantages?
What is php programming used for?
1. Create student database. 2. First page should display the students available in the database. There should be add, edit and delete buttons. 3. There should be option to search students by name, code, date of joining, department or combination of these. 4. Should have an add/edit screen. Add and Edit should be handled in the same page. 5. Delete should ask for confirmation before deleting the actual record. 6. Validation should be done in JavaScript as well as php.
What is print_r?
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