How many kinds of nns exist?

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 A 3-input neuron is trained to output a zero when the input is 110 and a one when the input is 111. After generalization, the output will be zero when and only when the input is: a) 000 or 110 or 011 or 101 b) 010 or 100 or 110 or 101 c) 000 or 010 or 110 or 100 d) 100 or 111 or 101 or 001

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I need a MATLAB source code to recognize different regular geometric shapes such as: squares,rectangles,triangles,circles and ellipses in different sizes using neural network. All of the images containing these shapes should be in binary format with the size of 300*400 pixels. would you please give me a MATLAB code to detect these geometric shapes?

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