What is the hierarchy of courts in the UK?

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can an outsider put a criminal case against members of the cooperative society on personal ground though matter of the society where each member is not paid by the society and does voluntary service , secondly can the police call each and every member after getting bail from the magistrate be called by the police at any time without any proper questions being asked by the police every now and then since in the bail it is written that the police can call the members at any time for interrogation, after going for interrogation one finds that there were no questions asked . thirdly have they to report to th epolice every time they go out of india

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In the Companies Act, 1956 there is no ward as ‘Wholly Owned Subsidiary’ (WOS), WOS means a company of which entire equity share capital is held by other Company. For example A company holds entire equity shares of B Company in this case B Company is WOS of A Company. Question: Now the Question is X company has paid up equity share capital of Rs.50000 (5000 shares each of Rs.10).Out of which Y company holds 4990 shares in its own name and remaining 10 shares Y Company holds in its name in 10 different folios (one share in each folio) along with 10 different individuals in the style first name is of Y limited and second (joint name) of individuals like A,B , C…… to J.In such case will X limited be deemed to be a WOS of Y Company ? If yes then how? After this question one more question will come up related to this question

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My father is a retired personfrom doordarshan kendrand lko. now working in contract with the samein average he is paid lee than 110,000 annualy but 10% tds isapplied on his total income Ican not understad it as he is senior citizen and apentioner also so it must not be done. then my question is how I am able to get back that deductions when retun the income tax file. thank you for advising me in this regard.

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hello today is my question, how Pakistani girl get Indian citizenship? if it is possible, how will this possible?

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I want to know lattest Ready recknor for Statutory compaliance, which uses in all companies.

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what is the formula for working year calculation in the time of gratuity calculation. if any worker worked 30 years, but during the 30 years he has not worked 3 years, then how many years taken at the time of gratuity calculation.

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