What is the functionality of a top command?
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In UNIX, what is the command to edit contents of the file?
What is the use of find command in unix?
what do you understand by 'unix is a portable os'?
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The command grep first second third /usr/you/myfile a) prints lines containing the words first, second or third from the file /usr/you/myfile b) searches for lines containing the pattern first in the files second, third, and /usr/you/myfile and prints them c) searches the files /usr/you/myfiel and third for lines containing the words first or second and prints them d) replaces the word first with the word second in the files third and /usr/you/myfile e) None of the above
What is grep r?
Which mode is used for allowing file write,read and append mode?
what is the use of wild cards?
A file has 1000 lines and i want to display only 1st line how to do it? pls ..tel me
what are the different commands used to create files?
How to get the last ten lines of a file using awk utility?