What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / aruna

Two or more methods in the same class having same method
name with different parameters may or may not have same
return type is called method overloading

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / kabita

In same class more than two methods having same name but
different signatures are called method
overloading .signatures are
no of parameters,datatypes of parameters,sequence of
parameters.returntype may same or not.

ex:public int add(int a,int b)
public int add(int a,int b,intc)
public double add(double d,double e)

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / md.meraz uddin

The system which have diffrent method in same class or same signature i.e inheritance , polymorphism etc that is called overlaoding.
For example:-
class A
public void add(int a, int b);
public void add(int c,int d,int e);

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / anand

mathods having same name but different signature in same
class known as method overloading

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / amarnath88888

Two or more methods having same name but different
signatures in the same class or in super class, sub
class(inheritance) then, that method is said to be
overloaded method.
This process is known as method overloading.

Note: Signature of a method means
1) no. of parameters
2) type of the parameter
3) order of the parameters

And a method cant be said as overloaded method only with the
change of the return type alone.

For example,
1) //for no of parameters

void display(int a,int b,int c)
System.out.println("This is 3 arguments method");

void display(int a,int b)
System.out.println("This is 2 arguments method");

2) //for type of parameters

void display(int a,int b)
System.out.println("This is 2 int arguments method");

void display(float a,float b)
System.out.println("This is 2 float arguments method");

3) //for order of parameters

void display(int a,float b)
System.out.println("This is int,float argument method");

void display(float a,int b)
System.out.println("This is float,int argument method");

Note: // cant determine only with return type

void display(int a,int b)
System.out.println("This is 2 arguments method without
return type");

int display(int a,int b)// compile error here
System.out.println("This is 2 arguments method with return

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What is method Overloading in the perspective of OOPS?..

Answer / vasu

in Method Overloading only Methodname,Arguments consider
one(int a,float e){
one(float r,int q){

Is This Answer Correct ?    1 Yes 0 No

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