What is a stream? what are the different types and classes
of Streams?

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What is a stream? what are the different types and classes of Streams?..

Answer / janet

A stream is an abstraction that either produces or consumes
information.There are two types of Streams and they are :
ByteStreams: provide a convinient means for handling input
and output of bytes.
Character Streams: provide a convinient means for handling
input and output of characters.
Byte Streams classes: Are defined by using two abstract
classes ,namely InputStream and OutputStream.
Character Streams classes : Are defined by using two
abstract classes ,namely Reader and Writer.

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What is a stream? what are the different types and classes of Streams?..

Answer / kumar

Most of the programs work with external data stored either
in local files or coming from other computers on the
network. Java has a concept of working with so-called
streams of data. After a physical data storage is mapped to
a logical stream, a Java program reads data from this
stream serially - byte after byte, character after
character, etc. Some of the types of streams are byte
streams (InputStream, OutputStream) and character streams
(Reader and Writer). The same physical file could be read
using different types of streams, for example,
FileInputStream, or FileReader.

There are different types of data, and hence different
types of streams.

Here's the sequence of steps needed to work with a stream:
1. Open a stream that points at a specific data
source: a file, a socket, URL, etc.
2. Read or write data from/to this stream.
3. Close the stream.

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