Please tell me what is wrong in the below query:
(Very Urgent)
function BeforePForm return boolean is
if :from_invoice_date is null OR :to_invoice_date is
null then
elsif :gl_period is null then
aiv.INVOICE_DATE between :from_invoice_date
and :to_invoice_date
end if;

return (TRUE);

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Please tell me what is wrong in the below query: (Very Urgent) ===================================..

Answer / hari

else if body is not correct.

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Please tell me what is wrong in the below query: (Very Urgent) ===================================..

Answer / sudipta santra

The function will be like that:-

function BeforePForm return boolean is
if :from_invoice_date is null OR :to_invoice_date is null
elsif :gl_period is null or aiv.INVOICE_DATE between
:from_invoice_date and :to_invoice_date then
aiv.PERIOD_NMAE:=<insert value>
end if;

return (TRUE);

Like that way it will be solved. In else part the assigned
value should be fixed how it would between two range of date?

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