I have problem with connection between Database and
Wireless device, plz send me a sample code.

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I have problem with connection between Database and Wireless device, plz send me a sample code...

Answer / chiran

If u want to content to database such as oracle use the
classes inside package use javax.microedition.io

or else if u want to store anything on the phone for
persistance storage use classes inside javax.microedition.rms

to store records then you could use the RecordStore class in
the rms package

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I have problem with connection between Database and Wireless device, plz send me a sample code...

Answer / ganesan

pls to me also

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I have problem with connection between Database and Wireless device, plz send me a sample code...

Answer / prabhu

I also have problem with database and wireless toolkit
connection send reply if you get answer for this problem.

DON't forgot it.

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