What is the primary function of a mast cell?
What artery does the anterior inferior cerebellar artery branch off of?
What is the function of Meissner's corpuscles?
What is produced by beta cells of the Islets of Langerhans?
What are 3 examples of peripheral lymphoid tissue?
Define oikilocytosis?
What structure is in the femoral triangle but not in the femoral sheath?
From which 3 spinal roots does long thoracic nerve arises?
Name the 4 ligaments of the uterus?
What does the primitive ventricle give rise to?
What five things arise from neuroectoderm?
What are the 5 cartilage derivatives of the 4th and 6th branchial arches?
What are the five 2's associated with meckel's diverticulum?