why we use visible spectrum for FSO (free space optic),although it seems strange that when we have to communicate in urban areas then too much light will be in atmosphere for the sake of communication.
1528why we prefer LED as light source insted of Laser in FSO (FREE SPACE OPTIC)communication.plz give me answer soon
3 5738when the generator running trip by earth current even though engine all so shut down the problem showing gcs waring and emergency trip there after starting always gcs locked out what is the problem [this is cummins qsk 23 electronic controle module governer
1509Post New Electronics Communications Questions
What is meant by bcd code?
Tell me can a gas be used for conducting current?
Why does sidebands vl come in case of analog modulation?
The output of an AM detector goes directly to the A IF amplifier B Mixer C Audio Amplifier D Loudspeaker
What are the advantages of freewheeling diode in rectifier circuit?
wat book i can refer to succeed in isro exam ...and where i can get the last 5 years questions
what is plc and how many type used plc in industrial field.
Define nyquist criteria.
how many mobile subscriber are come under one BTS?? and how many BTS Comes under One BSC?? how many BSC under One MSC??
I am studing Diploma Electronics from International Council for Management Studies-CHENNAI. Is it useful for getting engineering job within india or international ?
Tell me why bjt is called current control device?
what were the challenges you faced during the project technically and how did you cope up with that?
Why should you chosen this job
What is current commutation?
Why the actual q-factor of the coil is someexplain what larger than the calculated q-factor?