PeopleSoft General Interview Questions
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Your company obtained the newest Application Release of PeopleSoft, and you need to prepare for the upgrade. Upon reading the new Release Notes, you notice that changes were made to two COBOL modules (batch programs).You need to decide how to compare the current versions of these COBOL programs with the versions delivered with the new PeopleSoft application release. Which would be the fastest method of comparing these different versions?

1 627

Can a business Process be used as a Navigator Home page ?

1 646

The physical, dedicated tables are locked at the time the Application Engine program is loaded into memory?

1 655

State Record can be Dynamic Record?

1 667

In Call Section – Action it is possible to leave the Program ID with blank Value in certain cases?

1 720

You can assign multiple databases and application servers to a single profile. But, each database and application server must be assigned to only one profile?

1 657

The Trace tab in Configuration Manager only traces Windows client (two-tier) interactions?

1 653

TriggerBusinessEvent is used for triggering the workflow and its written on workflow event. TriggerBusinessEvent has the syntax?

1 658

The following is an entry from the application reviewer LOG File: start Field=PERSONAL_DATA.EMPLID-RowInit Temps=1 Stack=4 Source=233What does the Source=233 parameter in the above LOG file entry identify?

1 651

One-to-Many Relationship?

1 671

What the following command will do? psadmin -p start -d hrdmo?

1 647

Which of the Task cannot be done through PSADMIN?

1 645

Activate Event is Valid for ?

1 648

What is the result of the search with the following criteria in PS Books?

1 629

What category of commands can be executed in data mover?

1 633

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Un-Answered Questions { PeopleSoft General }

Do you know which of the following record is not found in database?


What is one-to-many?


Explain what is a bundle?


What is translate tables?


Tell me what category of commands can be executed in data mover?


The main attributes of a component interface (ci) are?


Explain the differences between state and temp records?


Define transferpage () with syntax ?


Explain the concept of control tables. List some of the key control tables?


Explain the different ways to run ae, sqr.(Command, process scheduler)?


Which of the following fires after the database is updated?


Explain the different types of matching in ap(2,3,4 amd receipt only matching)? Explain them?


Explain about remote call feature in pc?


Tell me in which peoplecode event does all data validation take place?


What is the process flow in billing, ar, am. Gl, ap, po etc?