Can servers running windows server 2008 provide services to clients when they are not part of a do ma in?
in terms of dns, what is a caching-only server? : Windows server 2008
What's the difference between windows and windows server?
what windows server 2008 service is used to install client operating system over the network?
What is difference between windows and windows server?
what is Windows Server?
What is windows server used for?
What types of zones would you want to create on your dns server so that both queries to resolve host names to ip addresses and queries to resolve ip addresses to host names are handled successfully?
Can you run windows server on a laptop?
What is the purpose of dhcp server?
what are active directory sites in windows server 2008? : Windows server 2008
Describe an active directory?
Specify the port number for dhcp?
Will there be a windows server 2016 r2?
how is wds configured and managed on a server running windows server 2008? : Windows server 2008