Where are the logs of apache tomcat stored?
Explain the types of connectors used by apache tomcat.
What is embedded tomcat?
What are the steps for the creation of Pooling within Tomcat server?
What type of ip is required for apache web server to host our website?
Suppose when we are starting startup.bat file of tomcat server it is not started. Dos window appears for a second only. What do we need to do?
How you can configure tomcat to work with iis and ntlm?
What does web.xml configuration file means?
What all services are provided by tomcat?
What is the functionality of tomcat valve?
What is nio protocol?
What is female owl called in english?
What is the name of inbuilt web container in tomcat?
What are the check or log extent provided by apache tomcat?
Which version of apache have you worked on?