Load Runner Interview Questions
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Hi Friends, Can anyone help me out in load testing? I need to test a web application in which 100 users has to login at a time and enter 100 different data into the application and logout. All the data should be saved in the data base Please let me know testing. Thanks in advance Giri

3 5289

how many performance test scripts have you written? what was the performance issues you had? what did you recommended to that issues? what kind of performance requirements did you have? how did you tune the system for performance? how did you ramped up the users? how did you find the bottlenecks of the system? did you find any coding issues and if yes what kinds of?

1 2429

Hello Friends, Can anyone please let me know about Performance testing health care EDI ( 270,271, 835 ect). I need as detailed answer as possible. I am going to use LoadRunner for load testing. I would really really really appreciate your help. Thanks, Piyush


Hi i have installed LR 8.0v on my system and wanted to test siebel web application. when i tried to record the application throught siebel web protocol, the launcher tries to connect to that URL but after some time the URL gives as Page Cannot Be Displayed, the same URL when we login manually it works fine. LR is not able to connect to the Application. What could be the reason?


1 4309

Pls can any body mail me "dks_sml@yahoo.com" regarding "How to monitor Unix Server" for performance testing , what are the commands in unix.How to add counters.

2 4306

Pls post me Load Runner Certification details


Parameterization need to be done when only one value need to be passed?


1 4103

How to correlate the server side data, when u r getting more than one dynamic data which keeps on suffel during replay?


2 7122

How often you do the load test in your current project?


2 5080

You test the scalability testing by apllying load more than the designed number of users. If you dont know the designed number of users then how you do the scalability test?



You do Scalability testing in Load testing or Stress testing?



What is Differed Bug?


3 7192

Case1: recording script, Login in Vuserinit,Body in Action and Logout in Vuserend. Case2: recording Login,Body and Logout in Action itself. Run both the scripts. What are the difference u will find? Is there any difference?


5 13286

What is Rendezvous point? When u apply this?


4 7595

How will you configure and analyse Memory leaks counters for .Net application.


1 5668

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Un-Answered Questions { Load Runner }

How to run a scenario?


What is the vuser in the scenario?


While scripting you created correlation rules for automatic correlation. If you want to share the correlation rules with your team member working on the same application so that he/she can use the same on his workstation, how will you do that?


What is performance testing in loadrunner?


What is the purpose of an extended log?


How can we perform functional testing under load?


What is loadrunner controller?


What is report header and what are the information contains?


What is the loadrunner start-transaction and its syntax?


What is the benefit of running a vuser script as a thread?


I have one Scenario login then bookcoffee then logout explain test plan for above scenario?


What is the purpose of a loadrunner transaction?


What is the need of checkpoints in lr?


Which function is used to end a nested transaction?


Where should you add a web_reg_save_param function to a script?