ASP.NET Interview Questions
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what is purpose of xml control in standard controls of

1 3803

My website has around 100 aspx. Out of this, a certain 20 aspx files should be made available to the users only if they are logged in. How can I achieve this with the web.config file?

Techno Solutions,

1 4875

Below is a code extract from an ASP.Net application. The code basically reads data from the “name” field in the “members” table and prints them onto the webpage. Using the assumptions provided, fill in the 4 blanks below so that the code will run correctly. ‘Assumptions: ‘conn_str is a variable that holds the connection string to the database ‘Objects dbcomm and dbread are already declared earlier dbcomm = New OleDbCommand("SELECT name FROM members", conn_str) dbread = dbcomm._______________ _____________________ response.write(_______________) _____________________ dbread.Close()

Techno Solutions,

4 6118

Suggest 3 best practices in detail for for Developing High Performance Web and Enterprise Applications

Techno Solutions,

2 4434

What is the roll of JIT in

7 14025

How Web Service help? What is the difference between Remoting & Web Servcies?

2 3833

1.can we add connection string in global.asax?????????? 2.what are the default files included when we create new web application????


7 18733

How to handle error while project running on live

2 4384

difference between


6 14222

can i use store procedure in disconnected mode? give me answer

2 6438

Guys can anobody tell what is Conditional Bloating in ??

1 4068

how to edit gridview control in asp.net2.0

3i Infotech,

1 6235

How to send auto matic emails based on scheduled tasks to several of my clients

6 6739

i have one gridview contains edititemtemplate(which contains update and cancel buttons) and i have one item template (contains edit button) i want the code for update and cancelbuttons in edit item template and i want the code for edit button in itemtemplate. please help me

4 7132

What is the difference between ExecuteReader,ExecuteNonQuery and ExecuteScalar.

8 21771

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Un-Answered Questions { ASP.NET }

Explain how viewstate is being formed?


What parameters can you pass in the url of the api?


What is .net framework and what are the main components of it?


Difference between .NET and previous version?


What is inproc mode in session?


What is asp short for?


How many types of cache are there?


What is the use of HttpHandlers? When to use this?


What is view state management in asp net?


What are directives in List down all the important directives.


What is cached data phone?


What is the maximum amount of memory any single process on windows can address?


How to manage different kinds of sessions in ASP.NET?


Explain the difference between mvc and webforms


Difference between overriding and overloading?