Networking Interview Questions
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The DNS server configuration file is:

1 2125

True/Flase: Secondary DNS servers can not be authoritative for any domains .

1 1919

True/False: Secondary DNS Servers can help in load sharing with the primary servers .

1 2119

Secondary servers are defined the type mentioned in the named.conf file ?

1 1852

Name 4 kinds of DNS servers ?

1 2099

Which 2 kinds of DNS servers can never be authoritative over any domain ?

1 1865

You have a few machine on remore location. Uplink bandwidth is premium. You want to reduce name lookup traffic as much as possible. Which should you do ?

1 1948

2 kinds of answers a client can get from any DNS server are:

1 1847

Non-authoritative answers can be incorrect mostly due to :

1 1948

Which script starts the in.named daemon ?

1 2191

What does the /var/named/named.root file specify ?

1 1992

How does a DNS server find the actual root servers ?

1 2151

Which file has name and IP for all systems in the domain (on a DNS server) ?

1 2291

Which file on a DNS server has IP to name resolution ?

1 1882

What does the /var/named/ file specify ?

1 1875

Un-Answered Questions { Networking }

What is the core naming mechanism?


What is the purpose of dns?


What is domain name system (dns)?


What is the Multicast address used in STP ?


What is a pseudo tty?


what is the maximum segment length of a 100base-fx network?


Is tcp or udp better for gaming?


What is ospf protocol


Describe star topology


What is the full form of ping?


Explain pure-ALOHA and slotted- ALOHA systems. Give the expression for throughout for each,clearly explaining the various terms.


what command to restore if the boot block is corrupted in linux


What is peer to peer?


What are the minimum requirements for xp installation?


What is PLAR?