Anatomy Interview Questions
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If the radial nerve is lesioned, what 2 reflexes are lost?

3 5963

If you break your humerus mid-shaft, which nerve would likely injure?

1 4084

If you break your medial epicondyle of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure?

1 2805

If you break your supracondyle of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure?

2 6555

If you break your surgical neck of the humerus, which nerve would likely injure?

1 2545

In a lesion of the radial nerve, what muscle is associated with wrist drop?

1 2502

Intrafusal fibers are encapsulated and make up muscle spindles that send their signal via what nerve?

1 2354

Intrafusal fibers are innervated by what motor neuron?

1 2434

Is Bell's palsy an UMN or a LMN lesion?

3 9152

Is the Babinski reflex (positive or negative) when the big toe dorsiflexes and the other toes fan-out?

1 3267

Name 2 locations for lesions in Syringomyelia?

1 2461

Name 3 locations for lesions in Vit.B12 neuropathy(Friedreich's ataxia)?

1 2538

Name 7 functions of the hypothalamus?

2 14979

Name the foramina that are in the posterior cranial fossa?

1 2260

Name the 5 foramina that are in the middle cranial fossa?

1 2743

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

After recuperating from a gunshot wound to the buttocks resulting from a hunting accident, your patient exhibits a positive Trendelenburg's sign. Explain.


name the structures passing through juglar foramen.


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?


Which nerve root is associated with the platella reflexes?


Explain the turner's syndrome?


Which hormones are produced by kidneys?


Explain the horner's syndrome?


A patient cannot supinate his hand, but has intact feeling-- which portion of the brachial plexus was severed?


A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?


Which hormones are involved in the urinary sytem of a human body?


What does serous membrane do?


What is a structure consisting of 2 or 3 tissues called as?


Human anatomy and physiology


What causes contractures?