Anatomy Interview Questions
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What does the thymus arise from?

1 2566

What does the thyroid diverticulum arise from?

1 3365

What does the truncus arteriosus give rise to?

1 2313

What does the umbilical arteries give rise to?

1 2576

What ear muscle does the 1st branchial arch form?

1 2587

What effect does 13-cis-retinoic acid have on the foetus?

1 2196

What effect does ACE inhibitors have on the foetus?

1 2437

What effect does iodide have on the foetus?

1 2396

What effect does warfarin and x-rays have on the fetus?

1 2539

What effects does cocaine have on the foetus?

1 2430

What embryonic structure are the smooth parts of the left and right ventricle derived from?

1 2462

What embryonic structure does the coronary sinus come from?

1 2579

What embryonic structure does the median umbilical ligament come from?

1 2447

What fetal landmark has developed within week 2 of fertilization?

1 2367

What foetal landmark has occurred within week 1 of fertilization?

1 2355

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Un-Answered Questions { Anatomy }

After recuperating from a gunshot wound to the buttocks resulting from a hunting accident, your patient exhibits a positive Trendelenburg's sign. Explain.


You've been given the task of inserting the catheter for a patient scheduled for angioplasty. What anatomical landmarks are you looking for?


Human anatomy and physiology


Which nerve root is associated with the achilles reflexes?


Explain the horner's syndrome?


What do you mean by homeostatic imbalance?


Which hormones are involved in the urinary sytem of a human body?


name the structures passing through juglar foramen.


Which nerve root is associated with the platella reflexes?


How many systems are there in a human body? Name them.


Explain the turner's syndrome?


A baby is born with spina bifida. Explain what happened or didn't happen developmentally? How might this defect have been prevented?


Explain the anatomy of a human brain?


What does serous membrane do?


Which nerve root is associated with the triceps reflexes?