Tell me what is the firefoxdriver, class or an interface? And which interface does it implement?
542Tell us how to login into any site if it's showing any authentication pop-up for username and password?
561Post New Automation Testing AllOther Questions
What COM Interfaces u r using in QTp While Connecting QC or TD? Or in QTP?Any body plz urgent...
Tell us which package can be imported while working with webdriver?
Do you know what is robot api?
whether flash selenium supports to test Gaming application? like follows: identifying the images, dynamic animations, Dynamic value changes field and win conditions etcc..,
Tell me how can we find the value of different attributes like name, class, value of an element?
Name the frameworks that are used in software automation testing?
What is tsl?
Tell us what is junit? And what is junit annotation?
5. What are the tests you are conducting through winrunner?
Which is the best place to learn Loadrunner performance testing in hyderabad ?
Explain me what kinds of annotations are used in testng?
What is an automated test script?
Hello Friends, I am Looking for the Load runner-Performance testing institute in HYD. I see most of them in this site are suggesting for TS Technologies as best institute for PT load runner. We you pls suggest me, Does this institute offers good coaching on Weekend Sessions/Batches? Does it covers all the course contents in these session? Please help me on this guys..
Can anyone tell me the correct answer of below is about Bugzilla tool. When bug will find out at the time of executio where it will save or what is the location of bug??
How to check if an element is visible on the page?