SQL Server Interview Questions
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can you any body tell me simple recovery,full recovery,bulk logged recovery where can use?

1 3199

one table has four field id,name,design,salary. i have to find maximum salary .

6 5960

1.what is stored procedure?Its significance with example? 2.Explain about index with syntax and example? plz do reply.........

2 9716

you are provided with the single table having say 4 col ie fname lname age city , now the all records with displying of only fname and lname is required but in this format say my name is abhay khanna it will come like this abhay-khanna rahul-roy gaurav-singh the above format is required

3 3965

How to find the date and time of last updated table?


6 7940

1.what is the difference between view and cursor? 2.If we do any change in view will it affect the database,similarly when we do changes in cursor will it affect the databse?with certain example?Thanks

5 22486

1.what is the purpose of using alias name in sql server? with certain example? 2.what is cursor?will u plz explain me in detail with certain example?

3 7815

What value could be assigned to Varchar Type?

3 4762

Would it be a good idea to create an index on a table that always contains 10 records? Why or why not?

3 4522

What types of integrity are enforced by a foreign-key constraint

1 3644

What are the main control-of-flow T-SQL constructs?

1 4187

What are the two virtual tables SQL Server maintains for triggers?

3 7341

What does the INSTEAD OF trigger do?

3 6495

What are explicit and implicit transactions?


4 20593

What are the two types of concurrency?

4 6678

Un-Answered Questions { SQL Server }

How to configure and test odbc dsn settings?


What is the guest user account in sql server? What login is it mapped to it? : sql server security


Explain various data region available in ssrs with their use?


How to get the query of a table in sql server?


What is a trigger what are the advantages of trigger?


How and why use sql server?


when would you go for denormalization? : Sql server database administration


Please explain what is “asynchronous” communication in sql server service broker?


Scalability, Availability, Integration with internet, etc.)?


How to sort query output in descending order in ms sql server?


What is use of except clause? How it differs from not in clause?


What is Federation Root Database?


How do you open a cluster administrator?


Will count(column) include columns with null values in its count?


Suppose you want to implement the many-to-many relationships while designing tables. How would you do it?