Networking Administration Interview Questions
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A subnet's mask is How many nodes can this subnet have?

1 2484

Howmany layers TCP/IP has ? a. 2 b. 3 c. 4 d. 5

1 1889

You have a class C subnet. You would like divide it up into subnets by "subnetting". You have to have at least 48 nodes per subnet. How many subnets can you have ?

1 1978

Your previous Network Administrator had subnneted your class C network into many subnets. Only info you have is that one of the IP range was through How many subnets did he make ? what was the mask ?

1 1851

You have a class B subnet. You would like divide it up into 30 more subnets by "subnetting" ? What would be the subnet mask ?

1 1873

What IP network addresses are set aside for class C (for private use) ? a. (mask b. (mask c. (mask d. (mask e. (mask

1 2567

What leading bit values in the IP address indicate a class A and Class B address ? a. 0 and 10 b. 0 and 11 c. 1 and 11 d. 01 and 10 e. 10 and 110

1 1870

What leading bit values in the IP address indicate a class C address ? a. 0 b. 01 c. 10 d. 11 e. 110

2 2217

What does 802.3 have instead of "type" filed (as in 802.2) ? a. a "frame-type" filed b. a "IP" field c. a "length" field d. a "TTL" field

1 2027

What is the difference between 802.2 and 802.3 frames ? a. 802.2 = 802.3 + LLC Header Info b. 802.2 = 802.3 + TTL field c. 802.3 = 802.2 + LLC Header Info d. 802.3 = 802.2 + TTL field

1 2184

Port numbers for the following 2 standard services: Netstat , FTP a. 25, 81 b. 21, 15 c. 23, 80 d. 15, 21 e. 15, 22

1 1834

Port numbers for the following 2 standard services: SMTP, TFTP a. 25, 81 b. 25, 68 c. 23, 69 d. 15, 68 e. 15, 22

1 2019

Port numbers for the following 2 standard services: FINGER, POP3 a. 23, 100 b. 25, 109 c. 27, 111 d. 79, 100 e. 23, 109

1 1800

Port numbers for the following 2 standard services: NNTP, NFSD a. 118, 2048 b. 119, 2049 c. 120, 2050 d. 121, 2051 e. 122, 2052

1 1744

You have a class C subnet. You would like divide it up into subnets by "subnetting". You have to have at least 24 nodes per subnet. How many subnets can you have ? a. 2 b. 6 c. 7 d. 8 e. 14

1 2074

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all your interview question in networking and system administration


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