Shell Script Interview Questions
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How to sort a result of Ls -l command based on columns. Ex. i want to sort 5th column from output of ls -l command.


6 10776

madhar chod unix ke 10 commands dhang se likh nahi sakta hai

Cap Gemini,


1.Write a script, which converts a number from binary to hexadecimal format or vice versa.


1 4899

Shifting positional parameter in Linux fedora core ? Hi I have written following shell script for display value of positional. But in 11th and 12 field will display without shifting command. May I know is it advance of Linux of programming code error? #!/usr/bin/bash echo "Bellow is the out of ps command" echo "`ps`" echo "The passing Parameter i.e output of \$1,2... value is:==> $11 " echo "Total number of passed argument \$# is:==> $#" echo "Passed argument names (\$*) are:==>$*" echo "This script PID(\$$) is :=>$$" echo "The name of executing script(\$0) is :==>$0" echo "The Parent ID of this script(\$PPID) is:==>$PPID" And my input to this script is ./scriptname arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 arg12 Output Is Bellow is the out of ps command PID TTY TIME CMD 2892 pts/0 00:00:00 bash 3172 pts/0 00:00:00 positional_para 3173 pts/0 00:00:00 ps The passing Parameter i.e output of $1,2... value is:==> arg11 Total number of passed argument $# is:==> 13 Passed argument names ($*) are:==>arg1 arg2 arg3 arg4 arg5 arg6 arg7 arg8 arg9 arg10 arg11 arg12 arg13 This script PID($$) is :=>3172 The name of executing script($0) is :==>./positional_parameter The Parent ID of this script($PPID) is:==>2892 After the ps output please see the next line I.e $11 value comes out without shifting the parameter. How is it give me my friends


What are the 4 basics of OOP?

Amazon, Infosys,

1 7568

Create a bash shell script that reads a line from the user consisting of 5 words and then prints them out in reverse order. Name this script ""

1 4414

Create a bash shell script that reads in a number from the user. If the number is 1, print out the date. If the number is 2, list the files in the current directory. If the number is 3, print out who is currently logged onto the system. If the number is anything else, print out an error message and exit. Name this script ""

4 5497

Hi, all Scripting professional. Q. I have written and calling in file using bash shell as interpreter and my log in shell also bash shell.My code like Script1 #!/bin/bash echo "My script2 call" . Here file run successfully but when I have changed my interpreter bash to ksh like #!/bin/ksh Error are comming command not found. Guid me how to call other script in our main script.

2 3285

In a file , how to retrieve the lines which are the multiples of 50 ? like 50,100,150th lines etc.


9 12238

if i have 2 files file1 and file2.... file1 contains 2 columns like b a 11 aa 12 as 13 ad 15 ag 11 ar 13 ah 15 ak file2 contains b c 10 ds 11 at 15 gh 15 jk 13 iu 11 fg 13 yy can any 1 give me the program to display in this way? a b c aa 11 at ar 11 fg ad 13 iu ah 13 yy ag 15 gh ak 15 jk

3 3794

Set up a Sev 2 alert when the Primary WA service fails. A windows batch script needs to be created that will monitor the WA service on the Primary and when the service stops/fails a Sev 2 TT is generated for a particular team ?



what is tickets $ what low,medium,high priorite pls define time also


Hi All, Is it possible to create one file name only space or space in file name in UNIX and we can able to run that on Unix?

Cap Gemini,

2 5773

how to search for vowels a,e,i,o,u appearing in the same sequence in a file


4 9193

What is the difference between running a script as ./ and sh

1 6390

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Un-Answered Questions { Shell Script }

When should shell programming/scripting not be used?


What is sed in shell script?


Devise a script that takes file name as arguement(which must present in the current directory)and locates from your home directory tree all thpath names of its links.Then mail the list to self.


I want to create a directory such that anyone in the group can create a file and access any person's file in it but none should be able to delete a file other than the one created by himself.


Where are cowrie shells found?


How to find duplicate record in file using shell script?


What is the fastest scripting language?


How to pass an argument to a script?


What is difference between shell and bash scripting?


What is shell chemistry?


How do you find out What is your shell?


Why is the use of shell script?


What are filters explain sort with all the options available?


What is shell and terminal?


What is an sh file?