Programming Languages Interview Questions
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given post order,in order construct the corresponding binary tree

S-Cube, Wipro,


How to swap two values using a single variable ? condition: Not to use Array and Pointer ?

6 9058

Hi i need to Acess a variable "int Intval" in the below mentioned code .How to Access it guys i am waiting for your reply

3 3687

how will i set pagination ?

2 3522

how to get the sum of two integers?

2 4034

how does printf function work

1 7313

what is computer engg

1 2654

Hai why 'c' is the middle language

4 5043

To find whether a number is even or odd without using any conditional operator??

College School Exams Tests, IBM,

12 26258

how to work search engine? plz detail answer me.


What is the language used for Artificial Intelligence?

1 3420

Write a C Program to display the following menu: Menu 1. Display 2. Copy 3. Append 4. Exit Accept the choice (1-4) from the user, and perform the following tasks: Choice 1: Accept a file name from the user and display the file on screen Choice 2: Accept two file names, and copy first file to the second Choice 3: Accept two file names, and append second file to the first file Choice 4: Terminate the program

Accenture, Concor, DMU, Satyam, Syntel, Tora,

1 11156

How to Increment the value of the empid E001 for each and every employee by using the programe?


1 2654

How to calculate the age from the date of birth by using the program?


2 8000

how to find the correct email address format by using the programe?


1 3125

Un-Answered Questions { Programming Languages }

Ow can I insert or delete a line (or record) in the middle of a file?


What is the difference between drupal 7 and drupal 8?


Named the latest version of zend framework?


What are attributes in python?


What is an operator in python?


Can you list some database related functions in yii?


officer say me - i am offered to a smoking , then what can you say


What is laravel slug?


Why is self used in python?


What are the two main data types in python?


In python, what is theano?


Is anaconda the same as python?


Explain me the procedure to pass a variable by value in wordpress?


What is bubble sort c++?


how the django will work without installing any webserver?