PHP Interview Questions
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when we use ob_start() function in php then the header() and session_start() does not gives the error like header already sent,please explain in brief

2 10973

why header() gives the error like header already sent in php please explain in brief


1 3049

what is mean php ? is it designingtool or language? how ill create website using by php?

1 2425

What IS PHP?


3 4907

how many types of inheritance is there in php? name there?

10 18703

which function used to get the number of days between two given dates in php

1 3604

what is pear in php in brief ?

1 2606

how long a default session stay in php?

8 6765

where to change in php.ini file for file uploading?

1 3366

how many error types in php? name there?

5 12468

describe arguments in header in php?

1 3567

difference of move(), and copy() function in php?

3 7255

explain in brief type juggling in php?

1 3282

which function used to get the file name in php?

5 6274

How can we find the number of rows in a result set using PHP?

2 3743

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Un-Answered Questions { PHP }

How do you connet mysql database with php?


What is php and what does it do?


Is json a string php?


What is the output of the ucwords function in this example?


Explain the difference between array_merge() and array_combine()?


Why print_r is used in php?


What is csrf token in php?


What is data abstraction in php?


How do you use end in python?


What are the differences between php3 and php4 and php5? What is the current stable version of php? What advance thing in php7?


Does php class need constructor?


What does sign mean php?


Why do we use htaccess and where?


Does browser understand php?


Tell me is it possible to submit a form with a dedicated button?