can it possible to validate form field before execution of a servlet service method if yes how??
6 8839Is there any differance b/w getting servlet context from servlet config and session? if yes then what is that?
7 11820
Why filter is used in servlet?
Is java servlet still used?
How does Cookies work in Servlets?
How to get the path of servlet in the server?
How would you create deadlock on your servlet?
How can we invoke another servlet in a different application?
Why servlet is used as controller ? Not JSP? I want complete explation?
What is session?
What is the use of httpservletrequestwrapper?
What do you mean by servlet context?
What is the difference between Server and Container?
Explain the difference between jsp and servlet?
Explain the concept of ssi ?
What is the workflow of a servlet?
What is the use of httpservletrequestwrapper and httpservletresponsewrapper?