What is the difference between Servlet Request and Servlet Context when calling a Request Dispatcher?
What is the web server used for running the Servlets?
Which java framework is most popular?
how to link html file to sevlet file.one name is textbox,c&c++ is cheakbox,bc&mca is radio button and one submit buttonis ok why in this programme use in servelt file
Why do we have servlet listeners?
What is called Session Tracking?
What do you mean by request dispatcher in servlet? Also explain its methods.
Explain the differences between jsp and servlet.
Which interface should be implemented by all servlets?
What is preinitialization of a servlet?
What do you understand by mime type?
What do you mean by servlet context?
How can an existing session be invalidated?
What do you mean by a filter and how does it work?
What is the use of attribute in servlets?