Core Java Interview Questions
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printstream class method println() is calling using System class and its static object out .how it is explain any one in detail with example ?


1 4688

whats the purposr of using serialization?

6 7570

how to one war file class to another war file class?


suppose in a class there is a code like this: { Set hs=new Hashset(); hs.add(new Emp("kathy",1000)); hs.add(new Emp("kathy",2000)); } how can u avoid the above code in your class as set won't allow duplicate objects?

3 5451

what is meant by UP& DOWN casting in java?

6 12610

how can we import the user defined package without classpath?

CSC, Infosys,

1 6941

Write a java program to find the route that connects between Red and Green Cells. General Rules for traversal 1. You can traverse from one cell to another vertically, horizontally or diagonally. 2. You cannot traverse through Black cells. 3. There should be only one Red and Green cell and at least one of each should be present. Otherwise the array is invalid. 4. You cannot revisit a cell that you have already traversed. 5. The maze need not be in the same as given in the above example


For ease of programming you can consider the maze as a 2D array with colors represented by below integer and characters (in capital letters). • B - Black • W -White • G- Green • R- Red R B W B W W W W W W B W B B W W W W W W W B W B W W W B W W W W B B W W W B W W W B W W B B B B W B W B W W B W W W B W W W B B B W W B W W W B W W B W B W W W B W B W W W W B B W W W W B W W W W W G Shortest Route Problem: • Solution that finds the shortest Route between Red and Green  White will have 1 Weight.  Red and Green carry no weights.  Shortest path is the path with less weight when you add up the weights in the path.


what is j2se

3 5156

we have two threads..both the threads are reading the data.. is there any need of synchronization there?...justify it?


4 6793

what is unreachable code problem in multiple catch statements

3 5299

where lives in jvm

5 7397

What is "Java Native Interface" and how to use it?


1 5238

What is the diff. b/w Interfaces & Abstract class?


6 8591

Which of these methods belong to Thread & Object class? join, yield, sleep, wait, notify


3 8881

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Un-Answered Questions { Core Java }

Explain the init method?


What does singleton mean in java?


What is super keyword explain with example?


Differentiate between static and non-static methods in java.


Why local variables are stored in stack?


What is meant by class and object in java?


How to perform quicksort in java?


What is immutable state?


Can we overload run() method in java?


What is the difference between member variables initialization and assignment in a constructor?


What is a wrapper method?


What does += mean coding?


Is int primitive data type?


What is the static variable?


State the difference between strings and arrays.