What is the difference between TFTP and FTP application layer protocols?
DELL, Elgi Equipments, HCL, Wipro,
8 18784When you look at a Cisco switch like Cisco 2950, why are the ports labeled with an 'X' behind the number? Like 1x, 2x.....23x, 24x, and what does it mean when there is no 'X'?
1580Post New Networking AllOther Questions
Discuss the different factors affecting congestion control algorithms. ?
give an example of bus type network.
Explain the advantage and disadvantage of ethernet ?
Explain 1-persistent, p-persistent and 0-persistent CSMA giving strong and weak points of each.
what is piggy backing?
Define Consumer Satellite Products
Which layer is used to route packets
Why Use VSATs?
1. What ports does FTP traffic travel over? 2. What ports does mail traffic utilize? 3. What ports do HTTP and HTTPS use? 4. Why is NTP required in an NFS network? 5. Name some common mal software on the server side 6. What is CPAN? How do you access it? 7. What is PEAR? 8. What advantages does mod_perl have over a perl CGI? 9. What is required to do SSL in Apache 1.x? 10. What is Tcl? 11. What is a servlet engine/container? 12. What is BIND? 13. Name the steps to setup a slave zone in BIND 14. Name the steps to setup a primary zone in BIND 15. What commands would you use under Solaris or Linux to modify/view an LDAP tree?
What do you mean by link to link layers of OSI reference model? Explain their functions briefly?
Explain Network Topologies and their uses.
up to which ver of linux using lilo boot loader? last ver of linux.
Can you name all the physical layers in networking?
Describe and distinguish between FDMA, TDMA, and CDMA.
Differentiate between Link state and Distance Vector Routing algorithm.