Engineering AllOther Interview Questions
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can you justify your answer regarding output of following source-code: #include #include void main() { clrscr(); if(printf("");) { printf("i am able to work in your company :"); } else { printf("your company is not able for having my knowledge :") } getch(); }


1 2484

write a c programme to count the characters words and lines in a text book


could u please tell me where the click view tool coaching in hyderabad


the conditional jump instruction in 8086 have a displacement of more than 1 byte.explain how would you tackle a situation in which it is required to branch,on some condition,to a location which is more than 120 bytes away.


plz explain abt refrigeration r22 bitzer comprassors trouble shooting and maintenance


plz send me how to overhauling of freon bitzer semi receprocal comprassors with available video


i m doing my 3rd yr with only 6 month left to complete it..within this 6 months which is the best nd useful oracle certification program should i do??pls help me out!!


can i clearly know courses under oracle


what is total power generation capacity in india at present (as on 12-12-2011)


How do you remove meta only for the root slice? remaining slices should run under meta?


what is bracking strength of helbet used in mines.

1 1835

what is buffer solution?



1. Design a counter which counts 0, 4, 8, 2, 6, and repeats using: 1.a using JK flip flops 1.b using T flip flops 1.c using D flip flops 2. Modify your design in question 1.a so that the circuit works according to the following function table X Y F 0 0 Clear 0 1 No Change 1 0 Parallel Loading 1 1 Count 3. Design a circuit that detects the pattern 010 in a serial input X considering: 3.a Overlapping 3.b No overlapping


sir now i am studying B.Tech final year so now i am eligible for writing group 1 and 2 or not?


how to count 4 column with two "and" condition in oracle? e.g task_type and cust_type and service_type are 3 column and we hv to count where task_type="new"and cust_type="jdp" and resulting column name will be new cust with jdp..and also we hv to count where task_type="new"and service_type="fs" resulting column name will be new cust with fs..


Post New Engineering AllOther Questions

Un-Answered Questions { Engineering AllOther }

What do you think determines a person's progress in a good company?


1.orders for a computer are summarized by the additional features and are requested as follows; Proportion of order No features 0.3 One feature only 0.5 More than one feature 0.2 find; 1. what is the probability that an order requests at least one feature? 2. what is the probability that an order does not request more than one feature?


tell me the e book for data structure (basic)


Suppose that, even unrealistically, we are to search a list of 700 million items using Binary Search, Recursion (the algorithm given in class). What is the maximum number of comparisons that this algorithm must perform before finding a given item or concluding that it is not in the list?


which topics are come from quizs


write a c programme to count the characters words and lines in a text book


i want to know ,If a five-digit number is input through the keyboard, write a program to calculate the sum of its digits.


why does a microprocessor generally hAVE more address lines than data lines?


I have cleared SBT clerk exam and having interview on 29.I have completed my in IT.I would like to know the types of questions asked in the interview.


what is the pri request of binary search


what the bridge id of any switches


What is spooling and buffering?


what is compiler


the conditional jump instruction in 8086 have a displacement of more than 1 byte.explain how would you tackle a situation in which it is required to branch,on some condition,to a location which is more than 120 bytes away.


i want to know details about SBI bank exam and date when to apply and what is the eligibility and the model papers related to it and various post available for Engineering in Information Technology.