Whichever company has offered a money back guarantee, very few people in the market claim back. Should we still have the proof to support companys advertising claims?
747When a company distributes the catalog of products manufactured by other companies, what will be the main responsibility to ensure the accuracy of the contentmentioned in the catalog?
721Post New Advertising Media AllOther Questions
What truth-in-advertising rules apply to advertisers? Under the Federal Trade Commission Act?
Why are you interested in a writing position?
what is the quality require for post of development executive for pharmaceutical product development?
did bel announced P E requirement for b tech every year ?
What do you know about internet advertising?
What do you understand by surrogate advertising?
How can we know how much to spend on advertising?
i am a animation student. in december i am going to face an interview so plse tell me what type of question they will ask ( about animation) how should i tell the answer (i am poor in comunication skill) pls tell me some tips its help full to me
How can we evaluate the efficiency of different media?
Has google ever incorporated in-game advertising into its ads services before approaching adscape media?
Do you have any references? What would they say about your fit with this job?
My Toefl score is lower than the graduate school requests. I sent my applications but haven't sent my Toefl score yet. Should I send my Toefl score or should I wait for their answer?
How would you involve in yourself in a book club?
There's a saying "Do whatever it takes to get the job done". Give me a recent example of what you did that exemplifies this statement.
How does child artist are selected in bollywood film.