How to melt the solidified copper accretions in copper scrap melting furnace?
Describe the typical instrumentation used in monitoring the performance of a shell and tube heat exchanger.
How do I open a rar file on my laptop?
Explain what is the limit of records that can be added to Salesforce?
What is the full meaning of
What is the objective of machine learning?
where can i learn VB scripint ?
What is fault clearing time for Current Limiting Moulded Case Circuit Breaker?.
what is rake in Rails?
In the Hybrid framework, data can access the database, excel file, XML etc. Is it true?
How do you collaborate with others to solve problems?
Why is salesforce important?
What is the difference between active link and normal link in html?
You have an AI player in an RTS game that occasionally needs to send scouts out onto the map to perform reconaissance. Designers want each scout to move around semi-randomly, exploring various parts of the map, particularly those that have been seen the least recently. Assume that the game is grid-based and has a fog-of-war feature. Also assume that the scouts are very cheap and dispensable, and it's OK for them to walk into the enemy base or other dangerous areas. How would you implement the system to decide where the scouts should go? What sort of data structure do you need to support this? How can you ensure that the scouts do a good job of exploring the map thoroughly? What are the performance characteristics of your approach? Is there any risk of scouts getting stuck trying to go somewhere that isn't even accessible?
Explain what is meant by pear in php?