How to sell a pen to illiterate ? Tell me about yourself in single word (not regular words like Hardworking, Smart working etc..)
9 27012Can motor act as generator (OR) vice versa? explain how does it do please post the answer technically
11 41205i have a wire.and the current flowing in that.when we cut the wire then why dont we seen the elactrons....
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I have to conduct load test on greting cover, pressure gauge is in kg cm2, how to caluculate load on this greting cover.
What is compute?
According to java operator precedence, which operator is considered to be with highest precedence?
What does the kvar means?
Can rsa be attacked? If so, how?
Define the attribute byte?
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Explain correlated query work?
Explain open dataset in sap abap?
what is the use of t-codes like ST01, ST02, ST03, ST05, ST07, ST22, SCOT, SOST.
What is instrumentation technologists and mechanics?
What data in material master is maintained at the client level?
which power station plants r more efficient? which is less? which is most expensive and which is cheapest?
What does join () do in python?
Why we need stored procedures?